Wilderness Reserve January 2024

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Two nights at Wilderness Reserve, bringing together leading experts in sports medicine and wellness.

"A completely seamless retreat experience."

Yasmin Milne, Beyond Health

"The most wonderful retreat, so well organised."

Anisha Joshi, Osteo Allies

"An investment in yourself that I'd highly recommend."

Andy Jones, Samsung

"An incredible retreat full of inspiring humans"

Yasmin Milne, Beyond Health

"A collaborative space where individuals in the wellness & sport science community can exchange knowledge & expertise"

Tamara Harnett, Health & Performance Coach

"The community you build, is the community you keep"

Hannah Paradise, Oyogo Founder

Karen Koramshai featured press company logos
Karen Koramshai featured press company logos
Karen Koramshai featured press company logos
Karen Koramshai featured press company logos
Karen Koramshai featured press company logos
Karen Koramshai featured press company logos